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Pygame tutorial #3: mouse events

Filed under: Graphics Programming, Pygame Tutorial, Python Programming — Lorenzo E. Danielsson @ 10:17

In the last tutorial, you learned how to draw lines. This time we will deal with mouse events. As usual we will keep it simple.

Already in the first tutorial you learned about the QUIT event. Now let’s add a little bit of code to track the position of the mouse on our window. This is done by the MOUSEMOTION event. The code looks as follows:

 1 #! /usr/bin/env python
 3 import pygame
 5 x = y = 0
 6 running = 1
 7 screen = pygame.display.set_mode((640, 400))
 9 while running:
10     event = pygame.event.poll()
11     if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
12         running = 0
13     elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION:
14         print "mouse at (%d, %d)" % event.pos
16     screen.fill((0, 0, 0))
17     pygame.display.flip()

Most of the code should look familiar by now. What is new is the check to see if we have an event of the type MOUSEMOTION (line 13). Also notice that if the event is a mouse motion event we can get a little bit more information out of the Event object. In the next line (14), we use call event.pos to get the current coordinates of the mouse pointer. This method returns a pair of values representing the x-position and y-position of the mouse pointer.

Note that the values returned by event.pos are relative to the top left-hand corner of the window, not the entire screen (unless, of course, the window covers the entire screen). You probably already know that the top-left hand corner is (0, 0) in screen coordinates.


  1. Write a program that prints the position of the mouse pointer using Cartesian coordinates. To begin with assume that the x-axis is at half the height of the window and the the y-axis is located at half the width of the window. You already know how to draw lines, so you might as well draw the axes. Take care with the difference in direction along the y-axis between screen coordinates and Cartesian coordinates.
  2. Replace MOUSEMOTION in the example above with MOUSEBUTTONDOWN. Run the program. Move the mouse over the window and press any mouse button. What happens?
  3. Imagine that your window consists of tiles, each one 32×32 pixels. Write a program that detects the current mouse position, translates the screen coordinates into tile coordinates and prints this.
  4. Write a program that calculates the distance of the mouse pointer from the center of the window. Remember that there is an imaginary straight line from the center point to the point where the mouse pointer is located. Just calculate the length of the straight line.

Seeing screen coordinates dumped onto you terminal window is exciting for just about 0.02 seconds. Let’s do something else. Since what we have learned so far is drawing lines we will stick to that. Here is a program that draws lines that cut the mouse pointer’s coordinates.

 1 #! /usr/bin/env python
 3 import pygame
 5 bgcolor = 0, 0, 0
 6 linecolor = 255, 255, 255
 7 x = y = 0
 8 running = 1
 9 screen = pygame.display.set_mode((640, 400))
11 while running:
12     event = pygame.event.poll()
13     if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
14         running = 0
15     elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION:
16         x, y = event.pos
18     screen.fill(bgcolor)
19     pygame.draw.line(screen, linecolor, (x, 0), (x, 399))
20     pygame.draw.line(screen, linecolor, (0, y), (639, y))
21     pygame.display.flip()

There is really nothing new in this code so I don’t think you will have any difficult understanding it. We have already learned how to set the color of the line we are drawing, so let’s extend the program slightly:

 1 #! /usr/bin/env python
 3 import pygame
 5 bgcolor = 0, 0, 0
 6 blueval = 0
 7 bluedir = 1
 8 x = y = 0
 9 running = 1
10 screen = pygame.display.set_mode((640, 400))
12 while running:
13     event = pygame.event.poll()
14     if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
15         running = 0
16     elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION:
17         x, y = event.pos
19     screen.fill(bgcolor)
20     pygame.draw.line(screen, (0, 0, blueval), (x, 0), (x, 399))
21     pygame.draw.line(screen, (0, 0, blueval), (0, y), (639, y))
22     blueval += bluedir
23     if blueval == 255 or blueval == 0: bluedir *= -1
24     pygame.display.flip()


  1. In the examples above, the program draws lines that extend the full width and the height of the window. Create a program that draws a much smaller ‘+’, say from 10 pixels to the left/top of the mouse pointer to 10 pixels to the right/below the pointer.
  2. Write a program that draws a horizontal line at the y-coordinate of the mouse pointer. The color of the line should vary according to the following: divide the window into four quadrants. Check which of the quadrants the pointer is in and set the line color to red if it is in the first quadrant, green if it is in the second quadrant, blue if in the third quadrant or white if the mouse pointer is in the last quadrant.
  3. Write a program that tracks the positon of the mouse pointer and draws one line from the bottom right right-hand corner of the window to the current mouse position as well as one line from the bottom left-hand corner of the window to the position of the mouse pointer.

Mouse buttons

If you have been doing the exercises so far then you already know how to deal with a mouse button being pressed. Let’s look at an example.

 1 #! /usr/bin/env python
 3 import pygame
 5 LEFT = 1
 7 running = 1
 8 screen = pygame.display.set_mode((320, 200))
10 while running:
11     event = pygame.event.poll()
12     if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
13         running = 0
14     elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button == LEFT:
15         print "You pressed the left mouse button at (%d, %d)" % event.pos
16     elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP and event.button == LEFT:
17         print "You released the left mouse button at (%d, %d)" % event.pos
19     screen.fill((0, 0, 0))
20     pygame.display.flip()

In this example we handle the two events MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and MOUSEBUTTONUP. Run the program and try this. Press the left mouse button down. While holding the button down, move it to a different position, the release the mouse button. Good, now you know how that works.


  1. Write a program that draws a horizontal line and a vertical line that both intersect the position of the mouse pointer. The color of the lines should change every time the left button is clicked. The vertical line should be set to a new random color. After generating a random color value, make sure that it is different from the current color. The horizontal line should be set to the previous color of the vertical line.
  2. Write a program that draws a ‘+’ surrounding the mouse pointer when it is pressed down. The size of the cross should be 20 pixels in each direction. When the mouse button is released the cross should disappear.


In this tutorial you have learned how to deal with mouse motion and mouse button state. I think you are now comfortable enough with what events that we can look into them into some detail. Up to now we have been using poll() to get an event off the event queue, for the sake of simplicity. In the next tutorial you will see why that is not really a good idea and what you should do instead. Don’t worry, it won’t really become more complicated.

We will also learn a few more drawing methods.


  1. Hi Lorenzo, a nice job you are doing here, I’m from Bogotá, Colombia, and some students are following your samples, I would like to know, which license will you use for your writings, I would like to translate the tutorial pygame series, we have a translation project from english to spanish, and we have translated some material , please keep with the good work. And thanks in advance.

    Comment by Igor Támara — 2007.07.12 @ 14:16

  2. Great tutorials! Please keep working on them and do a fourth 🙂

    Comment by Walked — 2007.07.24 @ 02:32

  3. @igor: wow! never thought these tutorials would attract enough attention that anybody would consider translating them. Anyways, I’m quite fond of the FreeBSD Documentation License actually. Would that be a problem?

    @Walked: thanks. And don’t worry, #4 is in the making. I’ve just had to take some time off and be a Daddy to my new-born son. 🙂

    Comment by Lorenzo E. Danielsson — 2007.07.30 @ 03:41

  4. Lorenzo, congrats for your new son, I have a one year old one 🙂 , the students are able to use DockBook, just let me know where the sources are and we will work on it, we are using a wiki to coordinate the translations, would it be fine for you? I also ask some people to review the results, the translations take some time to be finished, but we are happy you are using such a nice license.

    Again thanks and hope the best for you and your family, our students felt really happy following your tutorials 🙂

    Comment by Igor Támara — 2007.08.09 @ 14:17

  5. Dude, your tutorialz are cooking.
    When do we get to see #4?

    I’ll be happy to share some of my examples for code.

    Comment by DJ Fadereu — 2007.10.04 @ 11:37

  6. Thanks from Brazil!
    Keep’on rocking in the free world!

    Comment by Bruno Canongia — 2007.11.12 @ 23:58

  7. […] Check out PyGame Tutorial Part 1 – Getting Started :: PyGame Tutorial Part 2 – Drawing Lines :: PyGame Tutorial Part 3 – Mouse Events :: PyGame Tutorial Part 4 – More on Events :: PyGame Tutorial Part 5 – Pixels :: PyGame Tutorial […]

    Pingback by Python/PyGame Tutorials for Newbs | Newbie Game Programmers — 2008.01.03 @ 18:21

  8. Yours are magicaly understandable and work correctly.

    Comment by Max — 2008.02.01 @ 14:04

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